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The surgical removal of the entire or parts of the thyroid gland is known as a thyroidectomy. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck, and it secretes hormones that regulate every element of your metabolism, from heart rate to the rate at which you burn calories.
Why is the procedure performed?
Thyroidectomy is performed to treat thyroid diseases such as cancer, benign thyroid enlargement (goitre), and hyperactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
The extent to which the thyroid gland is removed during thyroidectomy is determined by the purpose of the surgery. If only a portion of your thyroid is removed (partial thyroidectomy), the thyroid may function normally after surgery. If the entire thyroid is removed (total thyroidectomy), you will require daily thyroid hormone replacement therapy to replace your thyroid's natural function.
The most prevalent reason for thyroidectomy is cancer. If you have thyroid cancer, you may be able to treat it by extracting most, if not all, of your thyroid.
If you have any of the following conditions, your doctor may advise you to get a thyroidectomy:
Noncancerous thyroid enlargement (goitre)
If you have a large goitre that is unpleasant or causes trouble breathing or swallowing, or if the goitre is causing hyperthyroidism, you may be able to have all or part of your thyroid gland removed.
Goitre is an abnormal growth of the thyroid gland. Goitre can be caused by an enlargement of the thyroid or by uneven cell development that results in the formation of one or more lumps (nodules) in the thyroid. Goitre can be associated with either no changes in thyroid function or an increase or reduction in thyroid hormone levels. A deficiency of iodine in the diet is the most frequent cause of goitres globally.
Treatment is determined by the source of the goitre, the symptoms, and the consequences that ensue from the goitre. Small goitres that are not apparent and do not create difficulties are usually not treated as growth.
Apart from a bulge at the bottom of the neck, most patients with goitres have no symptoms. The goitre is often so small that it is only identified during a normal medical visit or an MRI scan for another condition.
Further signs or symptoms include changes in thyroid function, the rate at which the goitre grows, and if it obstructs respiration.
A goitre can develop in anyone, and it might be present from birth or develop at any moment during life.
It is a disorder in which the thyroid gland generates an excessive amount of the hormone thyroxine. Thyroidectomy may be a possibility if you have problems with anti-thyroid medicines and do not want radioactive iodine therapy.
When your thyroid gland generates too much of the hormone thyroxine, you have hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Hyperthyroidism can cause your body's metabolism to speed up, resulting in unexpected weight loss and a quick or irregular heartbeat.
There are several therapies available for hyperthyroidism. To reduce thyroid hormone production, doctors at thyroidectomy surgery hospital in Yeshwanthpur utilise anti-thyroid medicines and radioactive iodine. Surgery to remove in whole or portion of the thyroid gland is sometimes used to treat hyperthyroidism.
While hyperthyroidism can be dangerous if left untreated, most people respond effectively to the treatment once it is detected and treated correctly.
Indeterminate or suspicious thyroid nodules
Some thyroid nodules cannot be classified as malignant or noncancerous when a needle biopsy sample is tested. If the nodules have a high risk of becoming malignant, doctors may advise patients to have a thyroidectomy.
A cut (incision) is made in the centre of your neck by the surgeon. It is frequently put in a skin fold where it will be difficult to see once the incision has healed. Depending on the reason for the surgery, the whole or part of the thyroid gland is then removed.
If you have a thyroidectomy due to thyroid cancer, the surgeon may additionally check and remove the lymph nodes surrounding your thyroid. Thyroidectomy procedures typically take one to two hours. Depending on the amount of operation required, it may take more or less time.
Your body cannot produce thyroid hormone if your complete thyroid is gone. You will acquire the symptoms of underactive thyroid if you do not replace it (hypothyroidism). As a result, you'll have to take a pill every day containing the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Synthroid, Unithroid, others).
This hormone replacement is similar to the hormone that your thyroid gland typically produces and accomplishes all of the same tasks. Your doctor will do blood tests to determine how much thyroid hormone replacement you require. Book an appointment to know more abour the surgery.
Home Yeshwanthpur Specialities General-surgery Thyroidectomy