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Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital heart defect mostly found in premature babies after birth. At Manipal Hospitals, PDA ligation surgery is performed in-house by expert neonatal and paediatric cardiologists. After the surgery is performed, children with fixed PDA will live healthy and normal lives. Generally, all babies are born with an opening between the pulmonary artery and aorta, which is normal. However, this opening should close on its own after the baby is born. But if this opening stays open even after the infant's birth, then it is known as PDA, which results in the flowing of oxygen-rich blood back to the lungs instead of blood that should be circulating throughout the body. This PDA condition gives the infant breathing and feeding problems. A PDA ligation procedure is performed to fix this PDA condition.
Symptoms of PDA
Children with larger openings tend to show some symptoms given below. However, children with a small opening may or may not show symptoms. The small opening usually closes itself when the child grows, and if not, then surgery is required. Some of the PDA symptoms include:
Exhausted child
Trouble doing activities by older kids
Poor weight
Hard or fast breathing
Cyanosis in children, where the skin is turned into blue colour due to a shortage of oxygen in the blood
Tiredness while feeding
PDA can be detected early in infants through a stethoscope. When the doctor hears or suspects a murmuring sound in the heart with a stethoscope, then the diagnosis is recommended through these diagnostic tests such as:
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
ECG test is used to check the heart's electrical activity. With this test, the doctor can identify any heart defects, abnormal rhythms (heart arrhythmias) and heart muscle stress in the infant.
Echocardiogram (echo)
The most common way the PDA is diagnosed is through an echo test. This test uses sound waves to form a moving picture of the heart and heart valves. With the help of this echo test, doctors can verify if the heart is pumping properly, heart chambers are enlarged, the blood flow pattern, the size of the opening, flow of blood through this opening. Doctors also detect any other heart defects if present in the infant. Visit our neonatology hospital in Yeshwanthpur for the best treatment.
Chest X-ray
The condition of the baby's heart and lungs are seen through an X-ray test.
Treatment for PDA:
Your baby's doctor will discuss several treatment ways to treat the PDA in the baby. Before proceeding with the preferred treatment procedure, a paediatric cardiologist or heart surgeon considers the baby's size, medical condition, age, and any other factors on which treatment depends. Here are some of the PDA treatment procedures for infants and children:
Waiting, Monitoring and Medication
Usually, PDA in premature babies closes on its own. The infant is closely monitored by the doctor to see if the open blood vessel is closing properly. Monitoring is also required in full-term babies, children and adults whose small PDA isn't causing any health problems. Certain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to close PDA in premature babies. However, NSAIDs do not close PDA in others, such as full-term babies, children and adults.
Surgical Repair Procedure
When the medicines are not showing desired results, and the infant's condition is getting severe, then a surgical procedure is performed.
Catheter Procedures
Cardiac catheterization and other catheter procedures are performed on full-term babies, children, and adults. This procedure might not be suitable for premature babies, and this is performed when they are grown older. Book an appointment to consult with the experts.
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