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Thrombolytics alleviate or resolve neurologic impairments in individuals with acute ischemic stroke by restoring cerebral blood flow. Thrombolytic treatment is of significant help for individuals with acute cerebral ischemia.
A stroke is a brain attack that occurs when a part or all of the brain is suddenly struck, resulting in a loss of function. A stroke is caused by either a blood clot in a blood artery in the brain or a bursting of the blood vessel, resulting in blood leaking into the brain. A stroke can be best handled within 4.5 hours of starting with a clot-busting shot. The longer the blood circulation is disrupted, the worse the neurological condition could get. Immediate treatment can save a life and avoid lifelong impairment.
When Would a Patient Require Acute Stroke Care?
The key diagnostic feature of acute stroke care is the sudden emergence of neurological symptoms.
F – Face Drooping
One-half of the face droops or is numb. When the individual smiles, the smile is uneven.
A- Arm Weakness
One of your arms is weak or numb. When a person elevates both arms simultaneously, one arm may slide downward.
S – Speech Difficulty
Mumbled speech or difficulties speaking may be seen in an acute stroke. When probed, the person cannot properly repeat a simple statement.
T – Time to act FAST
It's time to act quickly. If there are any of these symptoms, contact the hospital. Immediate treatment increases the chance of better recovery. The ideal time is 4.5 hours, although sooner is better.
Other Symptoms
Stroke symptoms are usually unexpected. Other stroke symptoms include:
Eyesight issues, such as dimness or loss of vision in one or both eyes.
Loss of coordination or balance or coordination issues.
Movement or walking difficulties.
Fainting, spasms, or fits.
Severe headaches without a cause.
Visit our Acute Stroke Care Treatment Hospital in Yeshwanthpur if you are having the above-mentioned symptoms.
Treatment is most effective when started immediately. Emergency treatment after a stroke includes:
Intravenous Thrombolysis Clot-Busting Treatment
Doctors examine patients to know what will work best to treat the stroke. Doctors use clot-busting or clot retrieval processes by employing hyper-acute stroke paths using advanced imaging methods such as CT scan or MRI with perfusion imaging. To improve flow, a clot-dissolving drug is pumped into the vein to break down brain vascular clots.
Mechanical Thrombectomy
For big clots that cannot be dispersed by intravenous thrombolytics, newer interventional treatments such as clot extraction methods are used. They are also used to treat clots in larger veins. Doctors put a catheter through an artery in the groin up to the perforated artery in the brain during mechanical thrombectomy. The stent expands and captures the clot, enabling surgeons to remove the stent along with the clot.
Mechanical retrieval can aid patients for up to 12 hours. However, the results are better when treatment is given immediately after a stroke. Thus it is critical to take the patient to a hyper-acute stroke hospital as soon as possible. Mechanical thrombectomy clot retrieval is also useful in cases when clot buster treatment has been prolonged for medical reasons. Book an appointment today to consult with the experts regarding the treatments.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Post-operatively, the patient recovers in the stroke ICU, which has 24-hour surveillance and strict infection control. Intensive rehabilitation begins practically immediately after the completion of treatment. Robotic rehabilitation aids in the effective recovery of limb function.
Time is the key to effective treatment. Act quickly and get immediate medical assistance from a stroke expert to save a life or lifetime impairment.
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