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Neuro-Ophthalmology services are provided to treat patients with vision loss, double vision, drooping eyelids, visual field abnormalities, headache, eyelid and face problems, and other neuro-ophthalmology disorders.
Neuro-Ophthalmology services aim to treat patients with blurred vision caused by optic disorders, double vision caused by brain tumours and strokes, defects in the visual fields, and involuntary spasms of the eyelids and face. We use almost half of our brain for visual activities, because of which it is pretty standard that many neurological issues also have defects in visual function. Neuro-Ophthalmology services are those that specialise in the treatment of visual problems pertaining to the nervous system.
Common neuro-ophthalmology disorders
Some common neuro-ophthalmology disorders include:
Optic neuropathy of any cause.
Optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve).
Ocular myasthenia gravis.
Papilledema (optic disc oedema).
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension or pseudotumor cerebri.
Brain tumours affecting vision.
Unexplained visual loss.
Symptoms of neuro-ophthalmology disorders
The following are a few noted symptoms of neuro-ophthalmology disorders:
A sudden blackout (loss of vision, also called a transient ischemic attack) or eye stroke.
A sudden diminishing of sight, which can even result in total loss of sight in worse cases.
Visual hallucinations, where patients see things, silhouettes or shapes where there are none.
Intractable headaches without any seeming cause or plausible reason.
Diplopia (Double vision).
Abnormalities of the pupil (slow reaction, the difference in the size of the pupils).
Intolerance to bright light, which often causes momentary blindness or headaches.
Difficulties in differentiating between or identifying colours.
Why do neuro-ophthalmology disorders require timely diagnosis and treatment?
Neuro-Ophthalmology is concerned with vision-related problems in individuals caused by any disorders or diseases related to the nervous system. Since a significant portion of our brains is responsible for activities associated with the sense of sight, not all optic problems are rooted in the eyes. Neuro-ophthalmology problems affect not only vision but also alignment, eye movement, and pupil reflexes. If the nerve pathways stand any damage, it is often irreversible and progressive unless treated or managed early. This is the primary reason why neuro-ophthalmology disorders require prompt action and treatment.
Optic nerve damage or disease is one of the indications of these disorders, which causes a complication in the visual pathway. There can be various other symptoms that may be flagged and referred to a neuro-ophthalmologist. Even though they might not always be severe, ailments related to neuro-ophthalmology can prove to be fatal and even have the potential to cause permanent damage if not treated in time.
Why consult a neuro-ophthalmologist?
Neuro ophthalmologists specialise in problems associated with the vision that relates to an individual’s nervous system. Such issues may include difficulties in sight due to brain diseases or injuries, including a stroke, trauma, or an infection. While in some cases, these issues may not pose a serious cause for concern, other times, they can lead to more severe complications, such as vision loss.
A neuro-ophthalmologist is a specialist who can diagnose and treat neurological and systemic diseases that affect an individual’s sight and the movement of their eyes. Tests recommended by neuro-ophthalmologists may include optical coherence tomography, electroretinography, and multi-focal EGRs.
Neurocritical care is the intensive care management provided to patients with sudden life-threatening neurological issues such as massive stroke and bleeding in or around the brain. Manipal Hospital, Yeshwanthpur, has an advanced neurocritical care unit to provide intensive care to patients in emergencies.
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