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Manipal Hospital, Yeshwanthpur, provides emergency services during neurological emergencies involving the body's neurological system, including the brain, spinal cord, optic and olfactory nerves, and all nerves outside the central nervous system. Acute or sudden-onset neurological diseases account for a significant proportion of emergency room visits in case of medical conditions like stroke, severe headaches that occur suddenly, convulsions, Guillain-barre syndrome with fainting, and Myasthenia gravis.
Neurocritical care is the treatment for patients who have a life-threatening brain and spinal cord injuries or disorders. Qualified neuro intensivists are highly qualified and certified physicians in the care of chronically ill patients with neurological disorders. They deliver the best care with monitoring technologies and advanced treatments at the Neuro ICU. Manipal Hospitals are providing the best treatment in neurocritical care unit, visit today.
When Would a Patient Require Neurocritical Care?
When patients suffer from spinal cord, brain, or other acute neurological illnesses they require neurocritical care.
Some of the conditions in which patients need neurocritical care include:
Encephalitis is caused by brain inflammation, because of an infection or immune system illness.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
An irregular condition in which the immune system strikes the nerves, often provoked by a viral or bacterial disease.
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Intracerebral hemorrhage is a result of a burst blood vessel that causes bleeding in the brain.
Myasthenia Gravis
An autoimmune illness that causes muscular weakness and exhaustion as a result of nerve-muscle communication impairment.
Seizures are sudden and uncontrolled abnormalities in the electrical activity of the brain, often resulting in loss of consciousness.
Spinal Cord Injury
Damage to the spinal cord, which includes neurons and cells that transmit information from the brain to the other parts of the body.
Status Epilepticus
A medical emergency arises when a seizure lasts longer than five minutes or when multiple seizures occur within five minutes.
Stroke is a medical emergency that happens when the blood flow to the brain is cut off, depriving the brain of oxygen and nutrition.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Hemorrhage in the subarachnoid space, which is the space between the brain and the tissue that covers it.
Tests and Treatment Options
Neurocritical care physicians utilize brain monitoring and imaging tools. Some of the latest imaging tools used in the neuro ICU include:
Computed Tomography Scans (CT Scans)
A brain CT scan examines brain tissue and structures using specialized X-rays and computers.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
An MRI of the brain examines brain tissues and structures using magnets and radio waves.
PET Scan
A brain Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan shows brain tissue and activity by using a specific dye called a radiotracer. It can be used in unison with a CT scan or an MRI.
Brain monitoring in the neuro ICU comprises:
Cerebral Microdialysis
Cerebral microdialysis involves the use of a thin, hollow tube (catheter) to link the brain to a monitor that measures specific brain chemicals.
To monitor electrical activity in the brain, little metal discs called electrodes are connected to the scalp. Silent seizures are detected using continuous EEG.
Depth EEG
Electrodes are surgically placed in the brain to monitor brain wave activity.
Evoked Potentials
Electrodes are placed on the scalp to assess how fast and precisely nerve impulses reach the brain.
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
A device is surgically implanted beneath the skull to gauge the pressure inside the skull.
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound
This test employs sound waves to assess the flow of blood via the brain.
Patients are continuously and thoroughly observed by physicians to assess every part of their illness and undertake necessary treatments to cure the problem. Book an appointment at our neurology center in Yeshwanthpur. Neurocritical care treatments include:
Clinical Drug Treatments
The experts continually research the latest cure options for brain injuries. Patients can take medications as per the test results.
Intraoperative Stereotactic CT-guided Endoscopic Surgery
Surgeons inject clot-busting medication into the brain via a catheter to treat a brain hemorrhage.
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Stereotactic radiosurgery utilizes focused radiation beams to reduce or remove tumors or cure other disorders such as brain bleeding.
Therapeutic Hypothermia
In this treatment, doctors purposely decrease a patient's core body temperature to lessen intracranial pressure and minimize the risk of brain injury and other neurological problems.
Once a patient is clinically stable and has completed all severe treatment, the neurocritical care team starts their journey toward rehabilitation. The team creates patient-specific treatments, plans everyday activities and objectives to encourage early activity, mobilization, withdrawal of devices and catheters and weaning of ventilation.
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