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An angioplasty, a major and common surgical operation, is used to open blocked arteries that supply the heart. Arterial blockage is caused when plaque accumulates in the coronary arteries. Plaque is a composition of fat and LDL cholesterol. It eventually leads to a serious condition called atherosclerosis, which may trigger cardiac problems such as heart failure.
During an angioplasty medical procedure, a stent—a tiny metal mesh tube—is inserted to remove the blockage within the artery that supplies the heart. It remains within a coronary artery and keeps it from closing down again. Using medication in addition to a stent keeps the artery from shutting entirely.
You will receive a prescription for pain treatment before your angioplasty. It is crucial to prevent blood clots from forming during this process so your surgeon may give you blood thinners. Your heart surgeon will next place a catheter—a flexible tube—into an artery. The catheter can be inserted in one's thighs or wrist. You remain conscious throughout the surgery. Utilising X-ray images, the surgeon will carefully insert the catheter upwards through your heart and arteries. To see clearly how blood flows through the coronary arteries, the surgeon may inject liquid contrast via your wrist during this surgery. It assists him/her in identifying every obstruction in the blood arteries that supply your heart.
The next step in the process is to implant a balloon catheter. It is inserted via the guide wire within the obstruction. Your heart may begin pumping blood freely once the balloon is inflated, clearing the obstructed artery.
This procedure benefits people with conditions like coronary artery, peripheral artery, and carotid artery disease. The health care professional usually suggests medications and lifestyle changes for these conditions before considering angioplasty. Some of the common symptoms indicating you need this procedure are
Symptoms can vary depending on the affected artery, but they often include:
The procedure can significantly improve blood flow, reduce symptoms, and prevent future heart attacks or strokes. However, it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent further blockages.
Most people can go home the same day or the day after the procedure. You may experience some pain or discomfort at the incision site, which can be managed with medication. You'll likely need to avoid strenuous activity for several days and follow your doctor's instructions for recovery.
Home Yeshwanthpur Specialities Radiology Angioplasty-and-stenting