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Ablation is an image-guided, non-surgical procedure in which interventional radiologists insert a needle-tipped catheter directly into a tumour to shrink or eliminate it with severe heat or cold. Because doctors employ imaging guidance to pinpoint the tumour accurately, the normal surrounding tissue is protected from the impacts of heat or cold. After tumour ablation, dead tumour tissue shrinks and is gradually replaced by scar tissue, which may eventually fade. Ablation improves quality of life by reducing tumours, relieving pain, and curing cancer.
The tumour ablation treatment lasts roughly an hour, but the operation will take several hours. Whether heat or cold is used to kill cancer cells, the procedure begins by inserting a probe (akin to a needle) straight into the tumour, guided by real-time ultrasound or 3D computation imaging equipment. IV sedation or anaesthesia will be provided. A local anaesthetic will also relieve pain and discomfort in the treatment region. Once in position, the probe will release radiation that heats or cools the tumour. The target region is continuously monitored during therapy to minimise injury to other tissues. Once the tumour has been completely ablated, the probe will be withdrawn, and a small bandage will be mounted; no sutures are required.
Home Yeshwanthpur Specialities Radiology Tumor-ablation-therapies