A disease is an abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or a function that affects some or all parts of an individual. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific signs and symptoms.
It is difficult to keep yourself and your loved ones free from diseases, but it is not impossible. Making a few behavioral changes and following some simple steps can prevent diseases.
Eat healthy
Choose a healthy diet for good health. Avoid taking saturated fats, cholesterol, refined carbs and sugars, and trans fats as these foods can cause chronic inflammation that leads to heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Also, choose good cooking oils, and before buying any food products, read the labels carefully. A healthy diet can help to prevent or control several diseases including the most common ones such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, etc.
Check your cholesterol
Do you know that 20% of your body’s cholesterol comes from your diet, and the other 80% is made by your liver? Thus, it is difficult to lower the cholesterol through diet alone. The cholesterol level in the blood should be 200 mg/dL. Therefore, get your cholesterol levels checked frequently to prevent diseases, particularly especially those of the heart.
Measure your blood pressure
According to American Heart Association, managing blood pressure is one of the seven metrics for a healthy heart. Even if you do not have high blood pressure, you should keep monitoring it regularly. Experts say that even if you have a BP of 120/80 consistently for several years, you may still develop high blood pressure later. Help your heart by maintaining a normal weight, reducing intake of salt, and increasing your activity levels.
Maintain your blood sugar levels
For good health, cut down foods like soda, candy, and sugary desserts to decrease your blood sugar levels. If you get diabetes, it, in turn, damages your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves over time.
Keep a track on your weight
You need to maintain your weight to prevent diseases. To see if your weight is ideal for your height, calculate your body mass index (BMI). If your BMI is high, then you need to lose weight. Successful weight loss is a commitment to make concrete changes in your diet and exercise habits.
Perform physical activity
Daily exercise keeps you active. Experts say that it is not about doing difficult exercises for a short term. What actually matters for keeping your heart’s health and overall health is just 30 minutes of simple exercises performed every day. You need to take short and brisk walks two to three times a day or do three sets of 10 minute-spurts of activity.
Quit smoking
Tobacco is a killer. Smokers and other tobacco users are more prone to develop several diseases and die earlier than other people who do not smoke. To quit smoking without any help is difficult and in fact, most people do not succeed for the first time. It may take weeks to months or even years, but do be sure that you can quit smoking with consistent efforts and determination.
Get enough sleep
Good sleep prevents you from getting diseases. Sleep restores us and shows a huge effect on how we feel. Stress and diet also have an impact on sleep. Foods that contain vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid promote healthy feel and keeps you free from diseases.
Get regular health screenings
Regular health screening can save your life as it can help in early diagnosis of any illness. If you detect the problem before it starts showing any symptoms or in initial stages, the treatment and cure will be better. Screening tests are designed to diagnose serious problems such as cancers in the early stages.
Avoid sharing your personal things
Toothbrushes, towels, handkerchiefs, nail clippers and razors are the common sources for spreading the infections. Keep your personal things to yourself to prevent diseases.
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
Good hygiene includes not only personal cleanliness but also includes the old practice of covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Coughing and sneezing can spread germs through microscopic droplets in the air. So prevent it by covering your mouth with your arm, sleeve, or the crook of the elbow.
Practice safe cooking habits
Food borne diseases frequently arise from poor food preparation and dining habits. So practice safe cooking habits to prevent the growth of microbes. Refrigerate foods within 2 hours of preparation. Separate cutting boards should be preferred for raw meats and vegetables. Wash all the fruits and vegetables before eating
Get vaccinated
Your immune system is designed to prevent reinfection with previously infected organisms. Therefore, get a frequent vaccination to prevent infectious diseases.
Apart from these measures, limiting alcohol intake, reducing stress, and practicing safe sex also can help you to prevent illnesses.
Prevention is better than cure. So, adopt healthy habits to reduce the risk of diseases. Good health is the only way to enjoy your life.